
A Journal from the Radical Reformation. Back issues available online.

Escritos en Español

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Acts 1:6 and the Eclipse of the Biblical Kingdom

Atos 1:6 e o eclipse do Reino Biblico (Portuguese)

Hechos 1:6 y el eclipse del Reino Biblico (Spanish)

Aionios: The Word to Sharpen Our View of the Future

"Aionios": La Palabra para Agudizar Nuestra Vision del Futuro (Spanish)

"Aionios": A Palavra para Agucar a Nossa Visao do Futuro (Portuguese)

Alert and Alarm! What Is Christianity?

Advarsel! Hvad er kristendom? (Danish)

Alerta e Alarme! O que e o Cristianismo? (Portuguese)

Alerta Y Alarma! Que es El Cristianismo? (Spanish)

Varning och alarm! Vad ar kristendom? (Swedish)

Vystraha a poplach! Co je krest'anstvi? (Czech)

The Amazing Shift Away from Jesus in the Popular Gospel

Den Forbluffande Overgangen Bort fran Jesus i det Populara Evangeliet (Swedish)

Ohromujici odklon od Jezise v oblibenem evangeliu (Czech)

El sorprendente alejamiento de Jesus en el evangelio popular (Spanish)

O Surpreendente Afastamento de Jesus no Evangelho Popular (Portuguese)

Another Gospel, by Greg Deuble (Chapter 8 of They Never Told Me This in Church!)

Ett annat evangelium (Swedish)

Otro Evangelio (Spanish)

Outro Evangelho (Portuguese)

Are They Telling You the Truth About the Gospel?

Rikaji vam pravdu o evangeliu? (Czech)

Fortaeller de dig sandheden om evangeliet? (Danish)

Czy mowia ci prawde o Ewangelii? (Polish)

Estao lhe dizendo a verdade sobre o Evangelho? (Portuguese)

Te estan diciendo la verdad sobre el evangelio? (Spanish)

Berattar de Sanningen om Evangeliet for Dig? (Swedish)

The Biblical Blueprint

Biblicky projekt (Czech)

Den Bibliska Skissen (Swedish)

El Modelo Biblico (Spanish)

O Modelo Biblico (Portuguese)

Born Again/Regeneration Chart

Cuadro de regeneracion (Spanish)

Znovu zrozeni/Regenerace Graf (Czech)

A Charter for Mankind (Chapter 6 of Our Fathers Who Aren't in Heaven)

The Christian Good News Chart

Krestanske dobre poselstvi (Czech)

The Christian Hope: Life in the Land of the Promise Made to Abraham

A Esperanca Crista: A Vida na Terra da Promessa Feita a Abraao (Portuguese)

La Esperanza Cristiana: La Vida en la Tierra de la Promesa hecha a Abraham (Spanish)

Krest'anska nadeje: Zivot v zemi slibu daneho Abrahamovi (Czech)

Det Kristna Hoppet: Livet i Landet som Utlovades till Abraham (Swedish)

Nadzieja Chrzescijan: Zycie w ziemi obietnicy zlozonej Abrahamowi (Polish)

The Christian's Destiny: Rulership with Jesus in the Coming World Government

El Destino del Cristiano: Gobernar con Jesus en El Gobierno Mundial Venidero (Spanish)

O Destino do Cristao: Governar com Jesus no Futuro Governo Mundial (Portuguese)

Den Kristnes Framtid: att Regera med Jesus i det Kommande Kungariket (Swedish)

Poslani krestana: vladnout s Jezisem v nadchazejici svetove vlade (Czech)

Przeznaczenie Chrzescijan: Panowanie z Jezusem w nadchodzacym swiatowym rzadzie (Polish)

The Christianity of Jesus and of the Bible Is Not So Complicated

Bibelns och Jesu kristendom ar inte sa komplicerad (Swedish)

El Cristianismo de Jesus y de la Biblia No Es Tan Complicado (Spanish)

O Cristianismo de Jesus e da Biblia Nao E Tao Complicado (Portuguese)

Krestanstvi Jezise a Bible neni tak slozite (Czech)

Contemporary Evangelism and the Biblical Good News

O Evangelismo Contemporaneo e as Boas Novas Biblicas (Portuguese)

El Evangelismo Contemporaneo y La Buena Nueva Biblica (Spanish)

Nutidens Evangalisme og Bibelens Gode Budskab (Danish)

Nutidens Evangelisation och de Bibliska Goda Nyheterna (Swedish)

Soucasna evangelizace a biblicka dobra zprava (Czech)

Dispensationalism: Canceling the Teaching of Jesus

Dispensacionalismo: Invalidando las Ensenanzas de Jesus (Spanish)

Dispensacionalismo: Invalidando os Ensinamentos de Jesus (Portuguese)

Eden: The Link Between Faith and Stewardship by Barbara Buzzard

Eden: Lanken mellan Tro och Forvaltarskap (Swedish)

El Eden: El vinculo entre la Fe y la Administracion (Spanish)

O Eden: O Vinculo Entre Fe E Administracao (Portuguese)

The Forgotten Christian Hope

A Esperanca Esquecida dos Cristaos (Portuguese)

La esperanza olvidada de los cristianos (Spanish)

A Gospel Without a Future

Um Evangelho Sem Futuro (Portuguese)

Un evangelio sin futuro (Spanish)

Ett evangelium utan framtid (Swedish)

Evangelium bez budoucnosti (Czech)

The Greatest Career Opportunity of All Time -- for You!

A maior oportunidade profissional de todos os tiempos - Para voce! (Portuguese)

La Mayor Oportunidad Profesional de Todos Los Tiempos - Para Usted! (Spanish)

Nejlepsi karierni prilezitost vsech dob -- pro vas! (Czech)

Den storsta karriarmojligheten nagonsin -- for dig! (Swedish)

Have You Heard the Gospel?

Har du hort evangeliet? (Danish)

Har du hort evangeliet? (Swedish)

Has Oido el Evangelio? (Spanish)

Voce ja ouviu o Evangelho? (Portuguese)

Jesus' Gospel of the Kingdom

El Evangelio del Reino de Jesus (Spanish)

O Evangelho do Reino de Jesus (Portuguese)

Jesu budskab om Riget (Danish)

Jesu evangelium om Riket (Swedish)

Jezisovo evangelium o Kralovstvi (Czech)

Jesus, the Word of the Kingdom and the Royal Road to Immortality

Jesus, Ordet om Riket och Den Kungliga Vagen till Ododlighet (Swedish)

Jesus, la Palabra del Reino y el Camino Real hacia la Inmortalidad (Spanish)

Jesus, a Palavra do Reino e o Caminho Real para a Imortalidade (Portuguese)

Jezis, slovo kralovstvi a kralovska cesta k nesmrtelnosti (Czech)

The Kingdom of God and the Restoration of Israel

Bozi kralovstvi a obnoveni Izraele (Czech)

Guds Rike och Israels Aterupprattelse (Swedish)

El Reino de Dios y la restauracion de Israel (Spanish)

O Reino de Deus e a restauracao de Israel (Portuguese)

The Kingdom of God in the 20th-Century Discussion

Bozi kralovstvi ve 20. stoleti dikuse (Czech)

O Reino de Deus no Debate do seculo XX (Portuguese)

El Reino de Dios en el debate del siglo XX (Spanish)

The Kingdom of God: Present or Future?

Bozi kralovstvi: pritomne nebo budouci? (Czech)

Guds Rige: Nuvaerende eller fremtidig? (Danish)

Guds Rike: Nutid eller Framtid? (Swedish)

El Reino de Dios: Presente o Futuro? (Spanish)

O Reino de Deus: Presente ou Futuro? (Portuguese)

The Land Promise to Abraham and His Descendants --The Key to the Whole Bible Plot

Loftet om Landet till Abraham och hans attlingar Nyckeln till hela Bibelns plan (Swedish)

A Terra Prometida a Abraao e Seus Descendentes (Portuguese)

La Tierra Prometida a Abraham y Sus Descendientes (Spanish)

Man and His Immortality: The Purpose of the New Creation

Clovek a jeho nesmrtelnost - zamer noveho stvoreni (Czech)

El Hombre y Su Inmortalidad - El Proposito de la Nueva Creacion (Spanish)

O Homem e Sua Imortalidade - O Proposito da Nova Criacao (Portuguese)

Manniskan och Hennes Ododlighet - Syftet med den Nya Skapelsen (Swedish)

The Promise to Abraham That He Would Be Heir of the World

Loftet till Abraham om att han skulle arva varlden (Rom. 4:13) (Swedish)

La promesa a Abraham de que seria heredero del mundo (Romanos 4:13) (Spanish)

A Promessa a Abraao de que Ele Seria Herdeiro do Mundo (Romanos 4:13) (Portuguese)

Slib Abrahamovi, ze bude dedicem sveta (Rim 4:13) (Czech)

Resolving the Amillennial/Premillennial Debate

Resolvendo o Debate Milenar/Pre-Milenar (Portuguese)

Resolviendo el Debate Amilenial/Premilenial (Spanish)

Saint: One Appointed to Rule

Santo: Alguem Nomeado para Governar no Reino Futuro (Portuguese)

Santo: Alguien Designado para Gobernar en el Reino Futuro (Spanish)

Udvalgt til at herske (Danish)

The Seed Diagram (The Immortality Plan)

El Plan de la Inmortalidad (Spanish)

Semeno- schema (Czech)

The Simplicity of the Christian Message

Enkelheten i det kristna budskapet (Swedish)

Enkeltheden i det kristne budskab (Danish)

Krest'anske poselstvi je jednoduche (Czech)

La simplicidad del mensaje cristiano (Spanish)

A simplicidade da mensagem crista (Portuguese)

Ten Reasons Why the Millennium Is Not Now!

10 Razoes Pelas Quais o Milenio Nao E Agora! (Portuguese)

10 razones por las que el milenio no es ahora! (Spanish)

What Do We Mean by "Born Again"?

Co rozumime pod pojmem "znovuzrozeny"? (Czech)

O que queremos dizer com "nascer de novo"? (Portuguese)

Que Queremos Decir con "Nacer de Nuevo"? (Spanish)

Sto znaci biti "ponovno roden"? (Croatian)

What Is "Preaching the Gospel"?

Co znamena "kazat evangelium"? (Czech)

Hvad betyder "at praedike evangeliet"? (Danish)

O Que E "Pregar o Evangelho"? (Portuguese)

Que Es "Predicar el Evangelio"? (Spanish)

Vad betyder det "Att predika evangeliet"? (Swedish)

Which Gospel? Which Jesus?

Cual evangelio? Cual Jesus? (Spanish)

Qual evangelho? Qual Jesus? (Portuguese)

Who Is Who? Jehovah's Witnesses' Great Muddle over Identity

Kdo je kdo? Velky zmatek ohledne totoznosti (Czech)

Quem e quem? Uma grande confusao sobre a identidade (Portuguese)

Quien es quien? Un gran lio sobre la identidad (Spanish)

Vem ar Vem? En Stor Oreda Gallande Identitet (Swedish)

The World's Destiny

El Destino del Mundo (Spanish)

O Destino do Mundo (Portuguese)

Verdens skaebne (Danish)



According to Jesus

Enligt Jesus (Swedish)

Does Everyone Believe in the Trinity?

Gelooft iedereen in de Drie-eenheid? (Dutch)

Opravdu vsichni veri v Trojici? (Czech)

Tror alla pa Treenighetslaran? (Swedish)

Does Everyone Really Believe the Trinity Is Biblical?

Cree Todo El Mundo Realmente que La Trinidad es Biblica? (Spanish)

Sera que todos realmente acreditam que a Trindade e biblica? (Portuguese)

Elohim and Other Terms

God, the Father, the Sole Creator of Heaven and Earth

Deus, o Pai, o Unico Criador do Ceu e da Terra (Portuguese)

Dios, el Padre, el Unico Creador del Cielo y de la Tierra (Spanish)

Hearing the Text of the Bible

Ouvindo o texto da Biblia (Portuguese)

The Hebrew Word for One (echad) Means One!

Det Hebreiska ordet for en betyder en! (Swedish)

La Palabra Hebrea Para Uno Significa Uno! (Spanish)

A Palavra Hebraica Para Um Significa Um! (Portuguese)

The Hidden Flaw in Traditional Christianity: A Perversion of Monotheism

El Defecto Oculto del Cristianismo Tradicional - Una Perversion del Monoteismo (Spanish)

A falha oculta no Cristianismo tradicional - uma perversao do monoteismo (Portuguese)

How Many Persons Created the Heavens and the Earth?

Ile Osob Stworzylo Niebo i Ziemie? (Polish)

Introduction to The One God, the Father, One Man Messiah Translation of the New Testament

Predmluva k Novemu zakonu s komentarem Jeden Buh, Otec, jeden clovek Mesias (Czech)

Traducao O Deus unico, o Pai, Um Homem Messias (Introducao) (Portuguese)

Traduccion El Unico Dios, El Padre, Un Hombre Mesias (Introduccion) (Spanish)

Is the Bible's Definition of God So Difficult?

A definicao biblica de Deus e tao dificil? (Portuguese)

Es tan Dificil la Definicion Biblica de Dios? (Spanish)

Ist die biblische Definition von Gott so kompliziert? (German)

Is the Holy Spirit a Third Person?

E o Espirito Santo uma Terceira Pessoa? (Portuguese)

Es El Espiritu Santo Una Tercera Persona? (Spanish)

Plain Talk About Who God Is

A Simple Lesson in English - and Theology

Una Leccion Sencilla en Espanol - y Teologia (Spanish)

Uma Simples Licao de Portugues - e Teologia (Portuguese)

Who Is the One God of the Bible?

Hvem er bibelens Gud? (Danish)

Quem e o unico Deus da Biblia? (Portuguese)

Quien Es el Unico Dios de la Biblia? (Spanish)



The 195 Occurrences of adoni in 163 Verses

As 195 Ocorrencias de "adoni" em 163 Versos (Portuguese)

Las 195 ocurrencias de "adoni" en 163 versiculos (Spanish)

Adonai and adoni (Psalm 110:1)

Adonai och adoni (Psalm 110:1) (Swedish)

Another Jesus by Greg Deuble (chapter 5 of They Never Told Me This in Church!)

En annan Jesus (Swedish)

Otro Jesus (Spanish)

Outro Jesus (Portuguese)

Colossians 1:15-20: Preexistence or Preeminence? by William Wachtel

Kolosskym 1:15-20: Predexistence ci prednost? (Czech)

Kolosan 1:15-20: Preegzystencja czy pierwszenstwo? (Polish)

Kolosserbrevet 1:15-20: Preexistens eller Foretrade? (Swedish)

The Dark Side of Logic by Ray Gebauer

El Lado Oscuro de la Logica (Spanish)

O Lado Obscuro da Logica (Portuguese)

The Form of God: Philippians 2:5-11 by William Wachtel

Bozska podoba: Filipskym 2:5-11 (Czech)

Gabriel Was Not a Trinitarian

Gabriel Was nie 'n Trinitarier nie (Afrikaans)

Hebrews 1:10 (Appendix 3 of Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian)

Hebrajczykow 1:10 (Polish)

Hebreos 1:10 (Spanish)

Hebreum 1:10 (Czech)

Hebreus 1:10 (Portuguese)

If Only We Had Listened to Gabriel (Chapter 7 of Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian)

John 1 in 50+ English Translations

John 1:1 Caveat Lector (Reader Beware)

Joao 1:1 Caveat Lector (Cuidado com o leitor) (Portuguese)

Juan 1:1 Caveat Lector (Atencion al lector) (Spanish)

John 3:13 and 6:62 (a correction to the book The Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity's Self-Inflicted Wound)

Jan 3:13 a 6:62 (Czech)

Joao 3:13 e 6:62 (Portuguese)

Juan 3:13 y 6:62 (Spanish)

John's Test for Discerning Genuine Christianity

La Prueba de Juan para Discernir el Cristianismo Genuino (Spanish)

O Teste de Joao para Discernir o Cristianismo Genuino (Portuguese)

The Nature of Preexistence in the New Testament

La Naturaleza de la Preexistencia en el Nuevo Testamento (Spanish)

A Natureza da Pre-Existencia no Novo Testamento (Portuguese)

Povaha pre-existence v Novem zakone (Czech)

Preexistensens natur i Nya testamentet (Swedish)

Preexistence vs. The Virginal Begetting/Conception

Sit Thou at My Right Hand (Psalm 110:1) by Allon Maxwell

Testing for Truth -- A Critical Question about Your Creed

Where Jewish Opposition Breaks Down (Appendix 2 of Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian)

Who Is Jesus? Do the Creeds Tell Us the Truth About Him?

Who Is Jesus? God, or Unique Man?

Wie is Jesus? God, of Unieke Mens? (Afrikaans)

Quem e Jesus? Deus ou homem unico? (Portuguese)

Who Is Jesus? (booklet) • Also see our Books page for this booklet in other languages



70 "Weeks" Prophecy Chart

Cuadro de la profecia de los 70 "sietes" (Spanish)

Proroctvi o 70 tydnech -- diagram (Czech)

Quadro da profecia dos 70 "setes" (Portuguese)

Antichrist and Futurism: The Early Church Fathers Were Futurists

O Anticristo e o Futurismo: Os Padres da Igreja Primitiva Eram Futuristas (Portuguese)

El Anticristo y El Futurismo: Los Primeros Padres de La Iglesia Eran Futuristas (Spanish)

Antikrist a futurismus: rani cirkevni otcove byli futuriste (Czech)

The Assyrian in Messianic Prophecy

Assyran v mesiasskem proroctvi (Czech)

The Assyrian, the Kingdom, and the Prophets

El Asirio, el Reino y los Profetas (Spanish)

O Assirio, o Reino e os Profetas (Portuguese)

Proroci, Asyran a prichazejici kralovstvi (Czech)

Clarifying a Prophecy of the End-Time (Daniel 9:26, 27)

Objasneni proroctvi o casu konce (Daniel 9:26, 27) (Czech)

A Close Look at Daniel 9:26, 27: Antichrist's Reign of Terror

Blizky pohled na Daniela 9:26, 27: Antikristovo panovani teroru (Czech)

Countdown to the Kingdom of God (Luke 21:20-33)

Odpocitavani k Bozimu kralovstvi (Czech)

Daniel 9 and the 70 "Weeks"

Daniel 9 a 70 tydnu (Czech)

Daniel 9 e as 70 semanas (Portuguese)

Daniel 9 y las 70 semanas (Spanish)

Daniel 9:26b, "HIS End": A Major Key to Understanding

Daniel 9:26b, "JEHO konec": Hlavni klic k pochopeni (Czech)

Daniel 9:26b: "O seu Fim": Uma Chave Importante para Compreender (Portuguese)

Daniel 9:26b: "Su fin": Una Clave Importante para Entender (Spanish)

Daniel 11 and 12: Final Rebellion and Ultimate Solution

Daniel 11 a 12: Posledni vzpoura a konecne reseni (Czech)

The End of the Age in 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Andens tid i 1 och 2 Tessalonikerbrevet (Swedish)

O Fim dos Tempos em 1 e 2 Tessalonicenses (Portuguese)

El Fin de los Tiempos en 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses (Spanish)

Konec veku v 1. a 2. Tesalonickym (Czech)

Futurism vs. Historicism

Futurismo vs. Historicismo (Spanish)

Futurismo versus Historicismo (Portuguese)

Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 11:31: A Simple Connection

Mateo 24:15 y Daniel 11:31: Una Conexion Sencilla (Spanish)

Mateus 24:15 e Daniel 11:31: Uma Conexao Simples (Portuguese)

Matous 24:15--Daniel 11:31: jednoducha souvislost (Czech)

Refuting the Day-Year Theory, by Milton Terry (1890)

Odmitnuti teorie den za rok (Czech)

Refutando a Teoria do Dia-Ano (Portuguese)

Refutando la Teoria Dia-Ano (Spanish)

Revelation 13 and the Last Days

Apocalipse 13 e os ultimos dias (Portuguese)

Apocalipsis 13 y los Ultimos Dias (Spanish)

Uppenbarelseboken 13 och De sista dagarna (Swedish)

Zjeveni 13 a posledni dny (Czech)

Revelation Chart: Sequence of Events at the End of the Age

Sorting out Matthew 24

Att reda ut Matteus 24 (Swedish)

Usporadani Matouse 24 (Czech)

The Law, the Sabbath and New Covenant Christianity

Christian Freedom Under the Teaching of Jesus

Some two million believers express their devotion to God by taking seriously their commitment to strict, literal obedience to all of the "Ten Commandments." The fourth commandment is of special importance to them. They see it as a distinctive test of obedience. There are many more millions who claim also to be in submission to the commandments of God, but they disagree with their fellow students of the Bible about just what obedience to God's commandments means today.