• A Journal from the Radical Reformation. Back issues available online.
• Escritos en Español
The Gospel of the Kingdom
• Acts 1:6 and the Eclipse of the Biblical Kingdom
Atos 1:6 e o eclipse do Reino Biblico (Portuguese)
Hechos 1:6 y el eclipse del Reino Biblico (Spanish)
• Aionios: The Word to Sharpen Our View of the Future
"Aionios": La Palabra para Agudizar Nuestra Vision del Futuro (Spanish)
"Aionios": A Palavra para Agucar a Nossa Visao do Futuro (Portuguese)
• Alert and Alarm! What Is Christianity?
Advarsel! Hvad er kristendom? (Danish)
Alerta e Alarme! O que e o Cristianismo? (Portuguese)
Alerta Y Alarma! Que es El Cristianismo? (Spanish)
Varning och alarm! Vad ar kristendom? (Swedish)
Vystraha a poplach! Co je krest'anstvi? (Czech)
• The Amazing Shift Away from Jesus in the Popular Gospel
Den Forbluffande Overgangen Bort fran Jesus i det Populara Evangeliet (Swedish)
Ohromujici odklon od Jezise v oblibenem evangeliu (Czech)
El sorprendente alejamiento de Jesus en el evangelio popular (Spanish)
O Surpreendente Afastamento de Jesus no Evangelho Popular (Portuguese)
• Another Gospel, by Greg Deuble (Chapter 8 of They Never Told Me This in Church!)
Ett annat evangelium (Swedish)
Otro Evangelio (Spanish)
Outro Evangelho (Portuguese)
• Are They Telling You the Truth About the Gospel?
Rikaji vam pravdu o evangeliu? (Czech)
Fortaeller de dig sandheden om evangeliet? (Danish)
Czy mowia ci prawde o Ewangelii? (Polish)
Estao lhe dizendo a verdade sobre o Evangelho? (Portuguese)
Te estan diciendo la verdad sobre el evangelio? (Spanish)
Berattar de Sanningen om Evangeliet for Dig? (Swedish)
• The Biblical Blueprint
Biblicky projekt (Czech)
Den Bibliska Skissen (Swedish)
El Modelo Biblico (Spanish)
O Modelo Biblico (Portuguese)
• Born Again/Regeneration Chart
Cuadro de regeneracion (Spanish)
Znovu zrozeni/Regenerace Graf (Czech)
• A Charter for Mankind (Chapter 6 of Our Fathers Who Aren't in Heaven)
• The Christian Good News Chart
Krestanske dobre poselstvi (Czech)
• The Christian Hope: Life in the Land of the Promise Made to Abraham
A Esperanca Crista: A Vida na Terra da Promessa Feita a Abraao (Portuguese)
La Esperanza Cristiana: La Vida en la Tierra de la Promesa hecha a Abraham (Spanish)
Krest'anska nadeje: Zivot v zemi slibu daneho Abrahamovi (Czech)
Det Kristna Hoppet: Livet i Landet som Utlovades till Abraham (Swedish)
Nadzieja Chrzescijan: Zycie w ziemi obietnicy zlozonej Abrahamowi (Polish)
• The Christian's Destiny: Rulership with Jesus in the Coming World Government
El Destino del Cristiano: Gobernar con Jesus en El Gobierno Mundial Venidero (Spanish)
O Destino do Cristao: Governar com Jesus no Futuro Governo Mundial (Portuguese)
Den Kristnes Framtid: att Regera med Jesus i det Kommande Kungariket (Swedish)
Poslani krestana: vladnout s Jezisem v nadchazejici svetove vlade (Czech)
Przeznaczenie Chrzescijan: Panowanie z Jezusem w nadchodzacym swiatowym rzadzie (Polish)
• The Christianity of Jesus and of the Bible Is Not So Complicated
Bibelns och Jesu kristendom ar inte sa komplicerad (Swedish)
El Cristianismo de Jesus y de la Biblia No Es Tan Complicado (Spanish)
O Cristianismo de Jesus e da Biblia Nao E Tao Complicado (Portuguese)
Krestanstvi Jezise a Bible neni tak slozite (Czech)
• Contemporary Evangelism and the Biblical Good News
O Evangelismo Contemporaneo e as Boas Novas Biblicas (Portuguese)
El Evangelismo Contemporaneo y La Buena Nueva Biblica (Spanish)
Nutidens Evangalisme og Bibelens Gode Budskab (Danish)
Nutidens Evangelisation och de Bibliska Goda Nyheterna (Swedish)
Soucasna evangelizace a biblicka dobra zprava (Czech)
• Dispensationalism: Canceling the Teaching of Jesus
Dispensacionalismo: Invalidando las Ensenanzas de Jesus (Spanish)
Dispensacionalismo: Invalidando os Ensinamentos de Jesus (Portuguese)
• Eden: The Link Between Faith and Stewardship by Barbara Buzzard
Eden: Lanken mellan Tro och Forvaltarskap (Swedish)
El Eden: El vinculo entre la Fe y la Administracion (Spanish)
O Eden: O Vinculo Entre Fe E Administracao (Portuguese)
• The Forgotten Christian Hope
A Esperanca Esquecida dos Cristaos (Portuguese)
La esperanza olvidada de los cristianos (Spanish)
• A Gospel Without a Future
Um Evangelho Sem Futuro (Portuguese)
Un evangelio sin futuro (Spanish)
Ett evangelium utan framtid (Swedish)
Evangelium bez budoucnosti (Czech)
• The Greatest Career Opportunity of All Time -- for You!
A maior oportunidade profissional de todos os tiempos - Para voce! (Portuguese)
La Mayor Oportunidad Profesional de Todos Los Tiempos - Para Usted! (Spanish)
Nejlepsi karierni prilezitost vsech dob -- pro vas! (Czech)
Den storsta karriarmojligheten nagonsin -- for dig! (Swedish)
• Have You Heard the Gospel?
Har du hort evangeliet? (Danish)
Har du hort evangeliet? (Swedish)
Has Oido el Evangelio? (Spanish)
Voce ja ouviu o Evangelho? (Portuguese)
• Jesus' Gospel of the Kingdom
El Evangelio del Reino de Jesus (Spanish)
O Evangelho do Reino de Jesus (Portuguese)
Jesu budskab om Riget (Danish)
Jesu evangelium om Riket (Swedish)
Jezisovo evangelium o Kralovstvi (Czech)
• Jesus, the Word of the Kingdom and the Royal Road to Immortality
Jesus, Ordet om Riket och Den Kungliga Vagen till Ododlighet (Swedish)
Jesus, la Palabra del Reino y el Camino Real hacia la Inmortalidad (Spanish)
Jesus, a Palavra do Reino e o Caminho Real para a Imortalidade (Portuguese)
Jezis, slovo kralovstvi a kralovska cesta k nesmrtelnosti (Czech)
• The Kingdom of God and the Restoration of Israel
Bozi kralovstvi a obnoveni Izraele (Czech)
Guds Rike och Israels Aterupprattelse (Swedish)
El Reino de Dios y la restauracion de Israel (Spanish)
O Reino de Deus e a restauracao de Israel (Portuguese)
• The Kingdom of God in the 20th-Century Discussion
Bozi kralovstvi ve 20. stoleti dikuse (Czech)
O Reino de Deus no Debate do seculo XX (Portuguese)
El Reino de Dios en el debate del siglo XX (Spanish)
• The Kingdom of God: Present or Future?
Bozi kralovstvi: pritomne nebo budouci? (Czech)
Guds Rige: Nuvaerende eller fremtidig? (Danish)
Guds Rike: Nutid eller Framtid? (Swedish)
El Reino de Dios: Presente o Futuro? (Spanish)
O Reino de Deus: Presente ou Futuro? (Portuguese)
• The Land Promise to Abraham and His Descendants --The Key to the Whole Bible Plot
Loftet om Landet till Abraham och hans attlingar Nyckeln till hela Bibelns plan (Swedish)
A Terra Prometida a Abraao e Seus Descendentes (Portuguese)
La Tierra Prometida a Abraham y Sus Descendientes (Spanish)
• Man and His Immortality: The Purpose of the New Creation
Clovek a jeho nesmrtelnost - zamer noveho stvoreni (Czech)
El Hombre y Su Inmortalidad - El Proposito de la Nueva Creacion (Spanish)
O Homem e Sua Imortalidade - O Proposito da Nova Criacao (Portuguese)
Manniskan och Hennes Ododlighet - Syftet med den Nya Skapelsen (Swedish)
• The Promise to Abraham That He Would Be Heir of the World
Loftet till Abraham om att han skulle arva varlden (Rom. 4:13) (Swedish)
La promesa a Abraham de que seria heredero del mundo (Romanos 4:13) (Spanish)
A Promessa a Abraao de que Ele Seria Herdeiro do Mundo (Romanos 4:13) (Portuguese)
Slib Abrahamovi, ze bude dedicem sveta (Rim 4:13) (Czech)
• Resolving the Amillennial/Premillennial Debate
Resolvendo o Debate Milenar/Pre-Milenar (Portuguese)
Resolviendo el Debate Amilenial/Premilenial (Spanish)
• Saint: One Appointed to Rule
Santo: Alguem Nomeado para Governar no Reino Futuro (Portuguese)
Santo: Alguien Designado para Gobernar en el Reino Futuro (Spanish)
Udvalgt til at herske (Danish)
• The Seed Diagram (The Immortality Plan)
El Plan de la Inmortalidad (Spanish)
Semeno- schema (Czech)
• The Simplicity of the Christian Message
Enkelheten i det kristna budskapet (Swedish)
Enkeltheden i det kristne budskab (Danish)
Krest'anske poselstvi je jednoduche (Czech)
La simplicidad del mensaje cristiano (Spanish)
A simplicidade da mensagem crista (Portuguese)
• Ten Reasons Why the Millennium Is Not Now!
10 Razoes Pelas Quais o Milenio Nao E Agora! (Portuguese)
10 razones por las que el milenio no es ahora! (Spanish)
• What Do We Mean by "Born Again"?
Co rozumime pod pojmem "znovuzrozeny"? (Czech)
O que queremos dizer com "nascer de novo"? (Portuguese)
Que Queremos Decir con "Nacer de Nuevo"? (Spanish)
Sto znaci biti "ponovno roden"? (Croatian)
• What Is "Preaching the Gospel"?
Co znamena "kazat evangelium"? (Czech)
Hvad betyder "at praedike evangeliet"? (Danish)
O Que E "Pregar o Evangelho"? (Portuguese)
Que Es "Predicar el Evangelio"? (Spanish)
Vad betyder det "Att predika evangeliet"? (Swedish)
• Which Gospel? Which Jesus?
Cual evangelio? Cual Jesus? (Spanish)
Qual evangelho? Qual Jesus? (Portuguese)
• Who Is Who? Jehovah's Witnesses' Great Muddle over Identity
Kdo je kdo? Velky zmatek ohledne totoznosti (Czech)
Quem e quem? Uma grande confusao sobre a identidade (Portuguese)
Quien es quien? Un gran lio sobre la identidad (Spanish)
Vem ar Vem? En Stor Oreda Gallande Identitet (Swedish)
• The World's Destiny
El Destino del Mundo (Spanish)
O Destino do Mundo (Portuguese)
Verdens skaebne (Danish)
• According to Jesus
Enligt Jesus (Swedish)
• Does Everyone Believe in the Trinity?
Gelooft iedereen in de Drie-eenheid? (Dutch)
Opravdu vsichni veri v Trojici? (Czech)
Tror alla pa Treenighetslaran? (Swedish)
• Does Everyone Really Believe the Trinity Is Biblical?
Cree Todo El Mundo Realmente que La Trinidad es Biblica? (Spanish)
Sera que todos realmente acreditam que a Trindade e biblica? (Portuguese)
• Elohim and Other Terms
• God, the Father, the Sole Creator of Heaven and Earth
Deus, o Pai, o Unico Criador do Ceu e da Terra (Portuguese)
Dios, el Padre, el Unico Creador del Cielo y de la Tierra (Spanish)
• Hearing the Text of the Bible
Ouvindo o texto da Biblia (Portuguese)
• The Hebrew Word for One (echad) Means One!
Det Hebreiska ordet for en betyder en! (Swedish)
La Palabra Hebrea Para Uno Significa Uno! (Spanish)
A Palavra Hebraica Para Um Significa Um! (Portuguese)
• The Hidden Flaw in Traditional Christianity: A Perversion of Monotheism
El Defecto Oculto del Cristianismo Tradicional - Una Perversion del Monoteismo (Spanish)
A falha oculta no Cristianismo tradicional - uma perversao do monoteismo (Portuguese)
• How Many Persons Created the Heavens and the Earth?
Ile Osob Stworzylo Niebo i Ziemie? (Polish)
• Introduction to The One God, the Father, One Man Messiah Translation of the New Testament
Predmluva k Novemu zakonu s komentarem Jeden Buh, Otec, jeden clovek Mesias (Czech)
Traducao O Deus unico, o Pai, Um Homem Messias (Introducao) (Portuguese)
Traduccion El Unico Dios, El Padre, Un Hombre Mesias (Introduccion) (Spanish)
• Is the Bible's Definition of God So Difficult?
A definicao biblica de Deus e tao dificil? (Portuguese)
Es tan Dificil la Definicion Biblica de Dios? (Spanish)
Ist die biblische Definition von Gott so kompliziert? (German)
• Is the Holy Spirit a Third Person?
E o Espirito Santo uma Terceira Pessoa? (Portuguese)
Es El Espiritu Santo Una Tercera Persona? (Spanish)
• Plain Talk About Who God Is
• A Simple Lesson in English - and Theology
Una Leccion Sencilla en Espanol - y Teologia (Spanish)
Uma Simples Licao de Portugues - e Teologia (Portuguese)
• Who Is the One God of the Bible?
Hvem er bibelens Gud? (Danish)
Quem e o unico Deus da Biblia? (Portuguese)
Quien Es el Unico Dios de la Biblia? (Spanish)
• The 195 Occurrences of adoni in 163 Verses
As 195 Ocorrencias de "adoni" em 163 Versos (Portuguese)
Las 195 ocurrencias de "adoni" en 163 versiculos (Spanish)
• Adonai and adoni (Psalm 110:1)
Adonai och adoni (Psalm 110:1) (Swedish)
• Another Jesus by Greg Deuble (chapter 5 of They Never Told Me This in Church!)
En annan Jesus (Swedish)
Otro Jesus (Spanish)
Outro Jesus (Portuguese)
• Colossians 1:15-20: Preexistence or Preeminence? by William Wachtel
Kolosskym 1:15-20: Predexistence ci prednost? (Czech)
Kolosan 1:15-20: Preegzystencja czy pierwszenstwo? (Polish)
Kolosserbrevet 1:15-20: Preexistens eller Foretrade? (Swedish)
• The Dark Side of Logic by Ray Gebauer
El Lado Oscuro de la Logica (Spanish)
O Lado Obscuro da Logica (Portuguese)
• The Form of God: Philippians 2:5-11 by William Wachtel
Bozska podoba: Filipskym 2:5-11 (Czech)
• Gabriel Was Not a Trinitarian
Gabriel Was nie 'n Trinitarier nie (Afrikaans)
• Hebrews 1:10 (Appendix 3 of Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian)
Hebrajczykow 1:10 (Polish)
Hebreos 1:10 (Spanish)
Hebreum 1:10 (Czech)
Hebreus 1:10 (Portuguese)
• If Only We Had Listened to Gabriel (Chapter 7 of Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian)
• John 1 in 50+ English Translations
• John 1:1 Caveat Lector (Reader Beware)
Joao 1:1 Caveat Lector (Cuidado com o leitor) (Portuguese)
Juan 1:1 Caveat Lector (Atencion al lector) (Spanish)
• John 3:13 and 6:62 (a correction to the book The Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity's Self-Inflicted Wound)
Jan 3:13 a 6:62 (Czech)
Joao 3:13 e 6:62 (Portuguese)
Juan 3:13 y 6:62 (Spanish)
• John's Test for Discerning Genuine Christianity
La Prueba de Juan para Discernir el Cristianismo Genuino (Spanish)
O Teste de Joao para Discernir o Cristianismo Genuino (Portuguese)
• The Nature of Preexistence in the New Testament
La Naturaleza de la Preexistencia en el Nuevo Testamento (Spanish)
A Natureza da Pre-Existencia no Novo Testamento (Portuguese)
Povaha pre-existence v Novem zakone (Czech)
Preexistensens natur i Nya testamentet (Swedish)
• Preexistence vs. The Virginal Begetting/Conception
• Sit Thou at My Right Hand (Psalm 110:1) by Allon Maxwell
• Testing for Truth -- A Critical Question about Your Creed
• Where Jewish Opposition Breaks Down (Appendix 2 of Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian)
• Who Is Jesus? Do the Creeds Tell Us the Truth About Him?
• Who Is Jesus? God, or Unique Man?
Wie is Jesus? God, of Unieke Mens? (Afrikaans)
Quem e Jesus? Deus ou homem unico? (Portuguese)
• Who Is Jesus? (booklet) • Also see our Books page for this booklet in other languages
Life After Death
• Abraham's Reward and Ours
שכרו של אברהם והשכר שלנו (Hebrew)
• "Absent from the body and present with the Lord" (2 Cor. 5:8)
"Ausentes del cuerpo, y presentes al Senor" (2 Corintios 5:8) (Spanish)
"Deixar este corpo, para habitar com o Senhor" (2 Corintios 5:8) (Portuguese)
"Nepritomny v tele a pritomny u Pana" (2 Kor 5:8) (Czech)
• Christians and Heaven
Christene en die Hemel (Afrikaans)
• Do Christians Follow Christ?
Os Cristaos Seguem a Cristo? (Portuguese)
Siguen los cristianos a Cristo? (Spanish)
• Do Souls Go to Heaven?
Las Almas Van al Cielo? (Spanish)
As Almas Vao para o Ceu? (Portuguese)
Prijdou duse do nebe? (Czech)
• Enoch and Elijah: Where Are They Now?
• Life after Death - But When?
Zivot po smrti, ale kdy? (Czech)
• Life after Death: Resurrection or the Intermediate State?
Vida Apos a Morte: Ressurreicao ou o Estado Intermediario? (Portuguese)
Vida Despues de la Muerte: Resurreccion o Estado Intermedio? (Spanish)
Zivot po smrti: vzkriseni nebo prechodny stav? (Czech)
• Problematic Sections of Scripture about the "Soul"
Problematicke casti Pisma o dusi (Czech)
Secciones Problematicas de las Escrituras Acerca del "Alma" (Spanish)
Secoes Problematicas da Escritura Sobre a "Alma" (Portuguese)
• What Happens When We Die? (booklet) • Also see our Books page for this booklet in other languages
• 70 "Weeks" Prophecy Chart
Cuadro de la profecia de los 70 "sietes" (Spanish)
Proroctvi o 70 tydnech -- diagram (Czech)
Quadro da profecia dos 70 "setes" (Portuguese)
• Antichrist and Futurism: The Early Church Fathers Were Futurists
O Anticristo e o Futurismo: Os Padres da Igreja Primitiva Eram Futuristas (Portuguese)
El Anticristo y El Futurismo: Los Primeros Padres de La Iglesia Eran Futuristas (Spanish)
Antikrist a futurismus: rani cirkevni otcove byli futuriste (Czech)
• The Assyrian in Messianic Prophecy
Assyran v mesiasskem proroctvi (Czech)
• The Assyrian, the Kingdom, and the Prophets
El Asirio, el Reino y los Profetas (Spanish)
O Assirio, o Reino e os Profetas (Portuguese)
Proroci, Asyran a prichazejici kralovstvi (Czech)
• Clarifying a Prophecy of the End-Time (Daniel 9:26, 27)
Objasneni proroctvi o casu konce (Daniel 9:26, 27) (Czech)
• A Close Look at Daniel 9:26, 27: Antichrist's Reign of Terror
Blizky pohled na Daniela 9:26, 27: Antikristovo panovani teroru (Czech)
• Countdown to the Kingdom of God (Luke 21:20-33)
Odpocitavani k Bozimu kralovstvi (Czech)
• Daniel 9 and the 70 "Weeks"
Daniel 9 a 70 tydnu (Czech)
Daniel 9 e as 70 semanas (Portuguese)
Daniel 9 y las 70 semanas (Spanish)
• Daniel 9:26b, "HIS End": A Major Key to Understanding
Daniel 9:26b, "JEHO konec": Hlavni klic k pochopeni (Czech)
Daniel 9:26b: "O seu Fim": Uma Chave Importante para Compreender (Portuguese)
Daniel 9:26b: "Su fin": Una Clave Importante para Entender (Spanish)
• Daniel 11 and 12: Final Rebellion and Ultimate Solution
Daniel 11 a 12: Posledni vzpoura a konecne reseni (Czech)
• The End of the Age in 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Andens tid i 1 och 2 Tessalonikerbrevet (Swedish)
O Fim dos Tempos em 1 e 2 Tessalonicenses (Portuguese)
El Fin de los Tiempos en 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses (Spanish)
Konec veku v 1. a 2. Tesalonickym (Czech)
• Futurism vs. Historicism
Futurismo vs. Historicismo (Spanish)
Futurismo versus Historicismo (Portuguese)
• Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 11:31: A Simple Connection
Mateo 24:15 y Daniel 11:31: Una Conexion Sencilla (Spanish)
Mateus 24:15 e Daniel 11:31: Uma Conexao Simples (Portuguese)
Matous 24:15--Daniel 11:31: jednoducha souvislost (Czech)
• Refuting the Day-Year Theory, by Milton Terry (1890)
Odmitnuti teorie den za rok (Czech)
Refutando a Teoria do Dia-Ano (Portuguese)
Refutando la Teoria Dia-Ano (Spanish)
• Revelation 13 and the Last Days
Apocalipse 13 e os ultimos dias (Portuguese)
Apocalipsis 13 y los Ultimos Dias (Spanish)
Uppenbarelseboken 13 och De sista dagarna (Swedish)
Zjeveni 13 a posledni dny (Czech)
• Revelation Chart: Sequence of Events at the End of the Age
• Sorting out Matthew 24
Att reda ut Matteus 24 (Swedish)
Usporadani Matouse 24 (Czech)
The Rapture
• Can Anyone Find a Pre-Tribulation Resurrection?
• Postscript on Pre/Post-Tribulation
• The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Truth or Trap?
Vytrzeni pred velkym souzenim -- pravda nebo past? (Czech)
• The Rapture - A Question of Timing
Vytrzeni -- otazka nacasovani (Czech)
• Rapture and Resurrection
O Arrebatamento e a Ressurreicao (Portuguese)
• The Rapture - When?
How Christianity Went Astray
• An English Clergyman Who Saw the Light
• Gnosticism and Traditional Orthodoxy
Gnosticismo e Ortodoxia Tradicional (Portuguese)
Gnosticismo y Ortodoxia Tradicional (Spanish)
Gnosticismus a tradicni ortodoxie (Czech)
• Platonic Christianity, by Edward Acton
Cristianismo Platonico (Portuguese)
Cristianismo Platonico (Spanish)
Platonske krestanstvi (Czech)
• What's in a Word? Recovering the Vocabulary of the New Testament
O que ha numa palavra? (Portuguese)
Que Hay en Una Palabra? (Spanish)
The Christian Life
• The "If's" of Christianity
"Pokud" v krestanstvi (Czech)
• The Law, the Sabbath and New Covenant Christianity (PDF book) • Also see our Books page for this book in other languages
• Repent and Be Baptized, by Mark Clarke (PDF file)
Arrependa-se e Seja Batizado (Portuguese)
Arrepientete y Bautizate (Spanish)
Cinte pokani a dejte se pokrtit (Czech)
• Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Bor kristna halla sabbaten? (Swedish)
Os Cristaos Devem Guardar o Sabado? (Portuguese)
Deben los Cristianos Guardar el Sabado? (Spanish)
• Taking Another Look at the Divorce and Remarriage Question, by William Wachtel
Jeste jeden pohled na problem rozvodu a noveho manzelstvi (Czech)
Um Novo Olhar Sobre a Questao do Divorcio e do Novo Casamento (Portuguese)
Una Nueva Mirada a la Cuestion del Divorcio y el Nuevo Matrimonio (Spanish)
• What Is So Difficult about Water Baptism?
Pro-Life (Articles by Barbara Buzzard)
• Abortion Is Built on Lies
El Aborto se Basa en Mentiras (Spanish)
O Aborto e Baseado em Mentiras (Portuguese)
• Abortion Madness: Part One
• Abortion Madness: Part Two
• Dehumanizing the Vulnerable
• An Extraordinary Person
• The Fence
• The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind
Guds Hand (Swedish)
• Massacre of the Innocents
• One Unplanned Pregnancy Saved Us All!
• Overturning Roe v. Wade in the Pew
• Pro-Death!
• The Spirit of Adoption: Winning the Battle for Children by Randy and Kelsey Bohlender
• Stand to Reason
• Trash or Treasure?
• The Walls Are Talking
• When Irish Eyes Are Not Smiling
• Why I Became a Pro-Life Activist
Varfor jag blev en Pro-Life aktivist (Swedish)
War and Peace
• Christians and War
Os Cristaos e a Guerra (Portuguese)
Los Cristianos y la Guerra (Spanish)
• Church Suicide Must Stop: A Theology of Peace from an Anabaptist Point of View
Hacia el Cese del Suicidio Eclesiastico (Spanish)
Rumo a Cessacao do Suicidio Eclesiastico (Portuguese)
Zastavit sebevrazdu cirkve (Czech)
Satan and the Demons
• Angels, Demons and Elohim
Andele, Demoni a Elohim (Czech)
Anglar, Demoner och Elohim (Swedish)
• Christadelphians, Please Beware
• Demon Really Does Mean Demon!
Demonio realmente significa Demonio! (Portuguese)
Demonio realmente significa Demonio! (Spanish)
• The New Testament Declares the Existence of Demons
• Really, Christadelphians
• Satan, the External Devil
• Satan, the Personal Devil
• The Biblical Theology of Petr Chelcicky (1379-1458) and Its Influence on the Radical Reformation, by L. Alan Eyre
Biblicka teologie Petra Chelcickeho (1379-1458) a jeji vliv na radikalni Reformaci (Czech)
A Teologia Biblica de Petr Chelcicky (1379-1458) e a Sua Influencia na Reforma Radical (Portuguese)
La Teologia Biblica de Petr Chelcicky (1379-1458) y Su Influencia en la Reforma Radical (Spanish)
• An Introduction to Dissident Heroes
Uvedeni k disidentskym hrdinum (Czech)
• Wanted for Murder: John Calvin, by Kenneth Westby
Wanted for Murder: John Calvin, Part 2
Wanted for Murder: John Calvin, Part 3
Buscado por Asesinato: Juan Calvino (Partes 1, 2 y 3) (Spanish)
Procurado por Assassinato: Joao Calvino (Partes 1, 2 e 3) (Portuguese)
Book Reviews by Barbara Buzzard
• AD 381: Heretics, Pagans, and the Dawn of the Monotheistic State by Charles Freeman
• The Blessed Hope: A Biblical Study of the Second Advent and the Rapture by George Eldon Ladd
• "The Christian Persecutory Impulse" by David Trim
• Dead Men Talking: What Dying Teaches Us About Living by Thomas Warren II
• Did the First Christians Worship Jesus? by James D.G. Dunn
• Embracing Obscurity: Becoming Nothing in Light of God's Everything by anonymous
• For All the Saints? Remembering the Christian Departed by N.T. Wright
• Hell: A Final Word by Edward William Fudge
Inferno: Uma Ultima Palavra (Portuguese)
Infierno: Una Ultima Palabra (Spanish)
• Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years by Philip Jenkins
• The Only True God: A Study of Biblical Monotheism by Eric H.H. Chang
• People of the Lie ("The Seeds of Deception") by M. Scott Peck
Bedrageriets Fron (Swedish)
• Red Pill Gospel: Christianity, before it was ruined by Christians by Forrest Maready
Roda Pillret Evangeliet: Kristendomen, innan den forstordes av kristna (Swedish)